TBTL Bought a Piece of Land in Tianjin Port
Upload Date:2010/2/3 CTR:40680
On 4th December 2009, Tianjin Binhai TEDA Logistics (Group) Co. Ltd bought a piece of listed land in Tianjin Port Container Logistics Center (ground date: TJP(L)2009-01). On 15th January 2010, TBTL signed the Contract on the Transfer of State-owned Land Use Right with Tianjin Land Natural Resources and Building Management Board.
This piece of land located at the crossing of Yuejin road and Jiyun fifth road in Tianjin Port Container Logistics Center, bordering upon TBTL’s another piece of land-Beigang container yard-to the west. The construction land covers 76792.5 square meters. As the land resource in Tianjin Container Park is insufficient, gaining this land will help TBTL expand high grade logistics resource and enhance its competitive strength in Tianjin port area.